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Alina iubeste libertatea si joaca – daca ar fi sa o intrebam in ce ordine, nu stim daca ar putea sa aleaga; le iubeste in egala masura, tocmai de aceea sufera in adapost – sufera din cauza gardurilor si a portii boxei ei care se deschide rar. Dar si cand se deschide, intreg universul Alinei se schimba: saluta oamenii si cateii cu un entuziasm nebun, si cu o viteza pe masura. Daca nu am cunoaste-o deja de mai bine de un an, am putea-o suspecta de spionaj – nu e grup de oameni si discutie in mijlocul carora sa nu se afle Alina. Este extrem de interesata de oameni si desi pana acum nu i-am cerut niciodata parerea stim ce va spune: deschideti portile joaca! Este in acelasi timp ascultatoare, si cand, dupa o repriza de alergat o invitam inapoi in tarc vine cuminte si eleganta – poate ati vazut deja ca are o tinuta frumoasa si zvelta de domnisoara. Interactioneaza bine atat cu cateii cat si cu oamenii, vazand in fiecare un partener de joaca si aventura.
! Alina loves to be free and to play – if we were to ask her what does she love the most we are not sure that she would be able to make a choice; she loves them equally and this is why she suffers very much in the shelter – she suffers because of the fences and because of the enclosure’s gate which opens rarely. But when it openes, Alina’s world is transforming: she greets all the dogs and people with great enthusiasm and always in a hurry. If we wouldn’t know her for more than a year now, we could suspect Alina of being a spy because there is no discussion or group of people without Alina in the middle. She is very interested in being around people and, even if we never asked for her oppinion regarding our discussions we are already sure what would be the answer: open the gates and let’s go play! But, in the same time she can be obedient, and when we invite her back in the enclosure after a round of running, she comes quiet and elegant – you maybe saw already what a nice posture she has. She interacts well both with humans and dogs, seeing in everyone a partner for play and adventures.