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Eva si Adam si-au petrecut viata langa complexul Vivo, pana cand nu a fost loc si pentru ei acolo. Am fost sunati sa ii luam, alternativa fiind plasarea lor la un adapost public unde exista riscul de a fi eutanasiati.

Eva este o catelusa tanara, de culoare neagra, foarte jucausa si prietenoasa ce a fost adoptata in Germania, le multumim tuturor celor ce au facut posibil acest lucru.


EN: Eva and Adam spent their lives near the Vivo complex until there was room for them there. We were called to take them, the alternative being their placement in a public shelter where there is a risk of being euthanised.

Eva is a young, black, very playful and friendly puppy that was adopted by a wanderfull family in Germany.

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