Expo de la locul in care a fost abandonata - Expo-Transilvania Cluj. In primavara anului 2017, asociatia a participat la Expozitia Chinologica din Cluj-Napoca in vederea strangerii de fonduri si gasirii de potentiali adoptatori pentru 4 catelusi abandonati recent Athos, Karina, Misha si Bubu. Din nefericire, am fost anuntati ca un catelus este abandonat in zona de cateva zile, era fetita, cu o rana pe nasuc si cu pofta de mancare. Am numit-o Expo. Ea s-a integrat in familia celor 4 fratiori si a avut norocul sa fie adoptata de o familie cu 3 copii din Romania, care s-a indragostit de ea in cadrul evenimentului "Oameni pentru catei".
EN: Expo from the place where it was abandoned - Expo-Transilvania Cluj. In the spring of 2017, the association participated in the Chinological Exposition in Cluj-Napoca in order to raise funds and find potential adopters for four pupils recently abandoned Athos, Karina, Misha and Bubu. Unfortunately, we were informed that a puppy was abandoned in the area for a few days, she was a little girl with a nasal wound and a lust for food. I called it Expo. She joined the 4 brothers' family and was lucky to be adopted by a family of 3 children from Romania who fell in love with her during the "People for the Dogs" event.