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Fulg (nume ce a venit de la sine, nu datorita culorii ci din cauza faptului ca e asa de usor – un sac de oase invelit in blanita pufoasa). Stiam doar ca a fost lasat pe camp sa moara, fara a-si putea folosi picioarele din fata. Si sigur ar fi murit daca pentru voluntarii Arca ar fi contat faptul ca e duminica si au trecut printr-o zi foarte grea in adapost. Din fericire Fulg a ajuns la medic, unde a fost constatat fractura ambelor picioruse din fata – a fost operat si acum sta cuminte, inca resemnat dar cu speranta.

Dupa ce s-a recuperat, Fulg a fost adoptat in Germania

EN: Male. Fulg (the name that came from itself, not because of color, but because he is so easy - a bag of bones wrapped in fluffy fur). I just knew he was left in the camp to die without being able to use the front legs. And surely it would have died if for the Arca volunteers it would have been that it was Sunday and they went through a very hard day in the shelter. Luckily Fulg arrived at the doctor, where the fracture of both legs was found - he was operated and now he stays still, still resigned but hopefully.

Fulg was adopted in Germany.

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