Marina a fost gasita impreuna cu cei 3 pui ai ei, dintre care Grim si Vic se afla inca in adapost, in fosta locatie a adapostului nostru. A fost o catelusa foarte fricoasa si a durat mai multe luni pentru a putea fi prinsa. A ramas la fel de speriata si in adapost, insa a avut norocul de a pleca in foster in Germania la o persoana experimentata si urmeaza sa isi gaseasca o casuta pentru totdeauna.
EN: Marina was found near the old shelter with her 3 puppies. 2 of them, Grim and Vic are still in the shelter. She was very very scared, a few months were required to capture her and the puppies. In the shelter she was still scared of humans, but she had the luck off finding an experimented foster in Germany. Now she is going to be adopted there.