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Povestea lui Misha este una des intalnita, dar foarte trista. A fost aruncata cand era foarte mica, impreuna cu cei 3 frati ai ei Karina, Bubu si Athos. Dupa cateva luni petrecute in adapost, i s-au facut vaccinurile, a primit alimentatia corespunzatoare varstei, si a avut norocul de a pleca la noua ei familie din Germania! Fratiorii ei inca se afla in adapost si isi asteapta familia.
EN: Misha's story is a common but very sad one. She was thrown away when she was very little with her 3 siblings Karina, Bubu and Athos. After a few months spent in the shelter, she got her vaccinations, and the proper food and had the luck to be adopted by a wonderful family in Germany! Her siblings are still waiting for a home in the shelter.
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