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Piţurcă - căţelul cu 3 picioare si un infinit de iubire

Piturca are tot 3 picioare, dar acum are o casa a lui in Germanua, cu oameni multi, de toate varstele - toti il iubesc iar el ii iubeste pe toti! Adoptia lui (dupa ani pe strada, un ecarisaj unde se eutanasiaza si cativa ani in adapostul nostru) este cu adevarat un vis implinit, iar pentru asta multumim doamnei Heidi S. si prietenilor de la Pfotengluck!

Piturca are doar trei picioare, dar asta nu i-a induplecat pe hingheri cand l-au prins si l-au dus la ecarisajul din Turda.

Piturca are doar trei picioare, dar asta nu i-a impiedicat pe voluntarii care il cunosteau din cartier sa mearga si sa il salveze din ecarisaj.

Piturca are doar trei picioare, dar asta nu il impiedica sa sara pe voluntari, sa alerge si sa se bucure cand e alintat.

Piturca are doar trei picioare, dar asta nu il face mai putin catel.

Piturca va roaga sa il iertati ca nu va putea niciodata sa “dea noroc”, dar va promite ca formula de salut pe care o stapaneste la perfectie este la fel de potrivita: isi culca cu tandrete capul in palma celor ce ii trec pragul. El nu cerseste mila – este un catel curajos si mandru ca are prieteni.

Acum este mai trist deoarece colega lui (pe care o cunoaste inca dinainte de a fi luati de hingheri, si pe care nu am putut sa o lasam in urma) a fost adoptata de curand. Acum asteapta o scrisoare de la ea, din Germania, din care sa afle cum e sa dormi in casa, sa nu de doara oasele (si asa solicitate) din cauza frigului, cum e sa fii alintat cat e ziua de lunga, nu doar cand au timp voluntarii cei putini si aglomerati.



Piturca is still a three-legged dog, but now he has a home of his own in Germany, full of people to love him and to be grateful to.His adoption, after years on the streets, time in a kill-shelter and after some years with us, is a dream brought to life by Mrs. Heidi S and Pfotengluck! Thank you!

Piturca has only 3 legs, but this didn’t stop the dog-catchers to take him to the city pound.
Piturca has only 3 legs but this didn’t stop the volunteers who knew him for years from the neighbourhood to take him from that horrible place.
Piturca has only 3 legs, but this doesn’t stop him to jump, to run and to be happy when someone notices him.
Piturca has only 3 legs but this doesn’t make him any less of a dog.
Piturca asks you to forgive him that because he only has 3 legs he won’t be able to shake hands, but he promises that he has an even better greeting formula: he tenderly puts his head in your hand. He is not begging for mercy – he is a brave dog, proud to have you as friend.
Now he is even sadder – his friend since forever, Linda, was adopted recently. Now he is waiting for a letter from Germany, where she will tell him how does it feel to sleep inside, to have a family who love you, not to stay in the winter’s cold that makes his bones hurt even harder.

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