Ruebe - aproape invizibila, si totusi...
Atat de fragila si micuta incat nu ne amintim sa fi avut vreodata un catel adult de asemenea dimensiuni in adapost. Atat de micuta si timida incat ar putea trece neobservata - si totusi satenii o stiau "de mult" si il stiau si pe singurul pui ce a sfarsit intr-o rapa in care l-am cautat, impreuna cu ea, fara succes. Dar faptul ca e atat de slaba si speriata ne face sa credem ca atentia satenilor se concretiza nu printr-o bucata de paine ci mai degraba printr-un varf de bocanc. Acum este in adapost, a fost sterilizata si a inceput schema de vaccinare, iar in paralel, cu cate o mangaiere, speram sa ii redam increderea in ce o inconjoara si sa ii oferim sansa de a-si gasi o casuta cu oameni care au nu doar ochii, ci si inimile deschise. Deja cineva si-a manifestat interesul sa o cunoasca pe micuta.
EN: So small and fragile that we think that is the smallest adult dog that we ever had in the shelter (and we had hundreds). She is almost invisible, but the villagers know her and know the only pup that stayed with her before disappearing in a valley where it couldn't be found despite our efforts. Now she is sterilized and with the vaccination scheme started and we hope that with the volunteers' care she will get more confident and soon she will find a forever home with people with both eyes and heats open. We already have someone interested in her.