Dupa ani de zile petrecuti pe strazi, ignorata si alungata de toata lumea, Sori a ajuns in adapost datorita unui voluntar, a fost sterilizata si vaccinata, iar apoi si-a cunoscut colegul de tarc, pe Iancu. Cei doi au devenit foarte buni prieteni, insa la scurt timp, Iancu a fost adoptat, iar Sori a ramas singura. In perioada petrecuta in adapost si-a propus sa cucereasca inimile tuturor voluntarilori si vizitatorilor si a reusit. Intr-o zi a fost vizitata de Iulia, care nu a putut pleca ara sa o ia acasa, iar cele doua sunt acum nedespartite. Astfel, Sori, a fost adoptata de catre o familie minunata, careia ii multumim pentru gest, iar lui Sori ii dorim viata fericita si linista pe care o merita.
EN: After years spent on the streets, ignored and banished by everyone, Sori was brought to the shelter by a volunteer, she was neutereded and vaccinated, and then met her new colleague, Iancu. The two became very good friends, but shortly after, Iancu was adopted, and Sori remained alone. During the time she spent with us, she wanted to conquer the heart of all volunteers and visitors and succeeded. One day she was visited by Julia, who could not leave without taking her home, and the two are now inseparable. Thus, Sori was adopted by a wonderful family, who we thank for the gesture, and to Sori we want the happy and quiet life she deserves.